-Rules and TOS.
-This is a legal agreement between you and planb.gay. -You are indicating your agreement to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this agreement. -You are solely responsible for actions you do. -Distributing products boughgt from the Plan B team is not allowed. -Furthermore you are restricted to show any material of Plan B without permission. -Changing/Modifying Software or trying will strictly result in a loose of the membership. -By using this service you accept all terms and conditions.
- I am responsible for everything i do with the services of Plan B.
- This includes not opening/using suspicious programs that can damage Plan B (this includes reverse engineering programs, dumper etc.). If you do any of these -Plan B is allowed to take your membership away and may continue with court -proceedings.
- Before running the services deactivate your antivirus. If you have questions -regarding this topic create a ticket!